Dead Sea Salt
"The Dead Sea is a unique geological phenomenon, rich in life-enhancing minerals, the Dead Sea mud and waters have been acclaimed throughout the ages. Situated at the lowest point on earth, more than 400 meters (1,320 feet) below sea level, it is recognized as a mini universe with it’s own micro-climate. The Dead Sea is a terminal lake with no outlet for its water except evaporation. Over millions of years, the hot dry air and a high evaporation rate have made it one of the saltiest lakes in the world. As many as 26 minerals are present in the Dead Sea, including magnesium, calcium, bromine and potassium. Dead Sea water is acclaimed for nourishing the skin, easing rheumatic discomfort, activating the circulatory system and relaxing the nerves. Compared to the 3% salt content of ordinary sea water, Dead Sea water contains 32% salts and minerals, which is why we are able to float in the Dead Sea."